Friday, September 12, 2008


I'll be posting updates as often as I can about the hurricane. So far, in the downtown area of Houston, not much has happened. We've had a little rain on and off and some wind of 20-30 mph. I took the first two pictures last night as we were clearing off the patio and deck.
The third picture was taken this afternoon around 2:30. It looks like the eye of the storm is going to pass over us in the Heights, but that might not be such a bad thing. They are saying that the eye of IKE is 50 miles wide and that those outer bands will really pack a punch.
So, we hunker down and we wait. More later. Oh, and thanks for all the well wishes and text messages. They mean a lot!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you!! Yes, that's my new logo. I had a girl named Tara Staton design it for me!! She gave me several options and I went with this ought to take a look at her, I think!!