Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas and Turkey

Stacey and I spent Christmas at my mom and dad's this year. It was everything you hope for: beautifully decorated trees, lots of lights, Christmas music playing, your pesky brothers and their great families, stockings, friends coming over, and in the Chisum house: tons of delicious food.

It's always fun watching my mom smile when she gets to use her snowman dishes and matching silverware.
When we got up Christmas morning, the table was already set. I think she said it was done by 5. That's 5 in the a.m.
As in, *before* the sun rises. But, her enthusiasm for this time of year can rarely be matched. It's fantastic.

My dad, however, has had a reputation of being the Bah-hum-bug of the family. Not this year. He picked out specific gifts for people and made the most delicious turkey I've ever sunk my teeth into. Seriously. I took the job of cleaning off the meat, thinking I was taking the hard job. I was wrong. It all just fell off the bone. So tender. So juicy. So perfect. I wonder if he would roast another one and ship it to me? Tonight.
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